Current Litters
If you live in Brisbane or South East Queensland we would love you to visit and see our puppies and how they are raised and the environment in which they live. We would also love to meet you.
Caralee Jazz and Dobbie
Caralee Jazz and Dobbie.
Jazz and Dobbie have 8 puppies that will be standard in size fully grown. They are 4 boys and 4 girls and are reds and golds and some are abstract with white markings. Physically stunning puppies and will have the same wonderful temperaments as their parents
Take home: 14th February
Caralee Molly and Levi
Domino called Levi
Caralee Molly and Domino (called Levi)
Molly is very much in love with her babies. She has had 3 boys and 2 girls, 2 chocolates 2 creams and 1 black parti. There is availability in this litter!
Caralee Minnie (Willow) and Gaga Chicho
Caralee Willow and Chicho.
Willow and Chicho have had an amazing array of parti puppies. There are 5 puppies. 3 girls and 2 boys.
There is availability in this litter!
Take home: Mid March